Trees are a valuable asset to any property, offering shade, beauty, and environmental benefits. However, there are times when a tree’s health or structural integrity may be compromised, posing risks to people and property. Knowing when to call a professional tree surgeon can be the difference between maintaining a healthy tree and dealing with costly damage or potential hazards. At EM Tree Surgery Bedminster, we specialise in identifying and addressing tree issues before they escalate. In this blog post, we’ll outline the key signs that indicate it’s time to call in a tree surgeon for professional care.

1. Visible Signs of Disease or Decay

One of the clearest indicators that your tree needs attention is the presence of disease or decay. Common symptoms include discoloured leaves, wilting, fungal growth (such as mushrooms at the base), and dead or brittle branches. A diseased tree can quickly become a hazard if not treated, as it may weaken and become more susceptible to falling during storms or high winds. A tree surgeon can assess the extent of the disease and recommend the best course of action, whether that’s treatment, pruning, or removal.

2. Cracks or Splits in the Trunk

Deep cracks or splits in a tree’s trunk are warning signs that the tree’s structural integrity may be compromised. These can be caused by age, stress from environmental factors, or internal decay. Cracks that extend deep into the trunk can lead to major branches breaking off or the tree splitting entirely, especially during severe weather. If you notice any significant splits, it’s essential to have a tree surgeon evaluate the situation and determine the best way to secure or remove the tree.

3. Leaning Trees

A tree that suddenly begins to lean or appears to be tilting more than it used to is a sign of instability. While some trees naturally lean due to growth patterns, a sudden or increasing tilt often indicates root damage or soil instability. Leaning trees are more likely to fall, particularly during storms, putting nearby structures, vehicles, and people at risk. A tree surgeon can assess whether the lean can be corrected or if the tree needs to be removed for safety reasons.

4. Dead or Hanging Branches

Dead branches are not only unsightly but also dangerous. They can fall without warning, causing injury or damage to property. Hanging branches, especially those that have become entangled in other parts of the tree, are also hazardous as they can dislodge in high winds. Regular pruning by a professional tree surgeon is essential to remove dead or precariously positioned branches, keeping your tree safe and healthy.

5. Root Damage or Soil Heaving

Roots are the foundation of a tree, providing stability and nutrients. Damage to the root system can have serious consequences for a tree’s health and stability. Signs of root damage include heaving soil, exposed roots, and fungal growth at the base of the tree. Construction work, soil erosion, or poor planting practices can all lead to compromised roots. A tree surgeon can determine whether the tree is still stable and, if not, what measures need to be taken to either reinforce or remove it.

6. Excessive Shedding of Leaves or Poor Leaf Development

While it’s normal for trees to shed leaves in autumn, excessive leaf loss during other seasons can be a sign of stress, disease, or pest infestation. Additionally, if your tree is producing fewer leaves or smaller leaves than usual, it may be struggling with underlying health issues. A tree surgeon can diagnose the problem and provide treatment options to restore the tree’s vitality.

7. Encroaching on Structures or Power Lines

Trees that are growing too close to buildings, fences, or power lines pose significant risks. Overgrown branches can cause damage to roofs, gutters, and windows, while trees near power lines can lead to outages or fires. Regular trimming and maintenance by a tree surgeon can help manage the tree’s growth, keeping it clear of structures and utilities while preserving its health.

Why Choose EM Tree Surgery Bedminster?

At EM Tree Surgery Bedminster, we have extensive experience in diagnosing and treating a wide range of tree-related issues. Our team of skilled tree surgeons is committed to providing safe, effective, and environmentally responsible solutions. Whether you need expert pruning, tree removal, or an assessment of a potentially hazardous tree, we’re here to help. We pride ourselves on delivering high-quality service tailored to the unique needs of properties in Bedminster and the wider Bristol area.


Trees are an essential part of any landscape, but they require proper care and attention to remain safe and healthy. If you notice any of the signs mentioned above, it’s time to call in a professional tree surgeon. Addressing issues early can prevent more serious problems down the line and help you maintain the beauty and safety of your property.

For expert tree care in Bedminster, Bristol, contact EM Tree Surgery Bedminster today. Let us help you keep your trees healthy, safe, and looking their best.

Call us on: 0117 463 1711
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This is a photo of two tree in a garden that have just been trimmed. They have been sculpted by the operatives of EM Tree Surgery Bedminster

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